Friday, May 7, 2010

I Can't Believe It's Over

To be quite honest, this did not take nearly long enough. It was over before it even began....

Buck got home about 4:30, which was just enough time for me to finally get my outfit on and situated properly. Hair was fixed as well as could be done without a personal stylist...and make up was applied as well as can be expected, considering the face it's going on. Once he changed, we were ready to take off. Oh, the excitement was building for sure at this point.

See, all dressed. This outfit would be super cute if I were skinny. Man I long for the skinny days. So long ago.

So, then we decide to take his van since the A/C is still not working in my vehicle. I used to hate riding in that's one of those white work vans...but I found it much nicer to ride in than mine considering the A/C was working perfectly.

Ok, do we have everything we need?

Cookbook - Check

Refreshment (Caffeine Free Diet Coke-ftw) - Check

And we're off. It only takes about twenty minutes to get to the bookstore, but with the traffic we were bound to be late...Oh my!!!

If you look really hard, you can see the city skyline in the distance. See it? Look closely.

See, the traffic is moving slowly. I love the lines of the overpass on the right. Ok, focus woman, we're on our way to see Ree!
Ok, we finally arrive. Man the parking lot is packed. We had to walk a good three or four minutes across the parking lot. In my excitement, I think I must have been slightly running because I wear a blister on my toe! Silly Stalker, Buck says.
We finally made it. Ok, it's time. It's happening. It's actually happening! I am just hours from meeting Ree. So we trek to the front door and the herd (the only word I can think of right now, not meant to be derogatory) of ladies is astonishing and hilarious at the same time. I believe I said, "Oh, sh!t !" upon realizing I'm not the only 'stalker' here to meet her. We move through the maze and reach the counter and ask for our ticket.

About our about L U C K Y!!! I've never been to a booksigning, so I don't know how these things work. I called the bookstore to find out. The lady at Joseph-Beth Booksellers was so nice, I just couldn't believe it. I mean a true southern lady. You used to expect this sort of treatment years ago, but it surprises me so pleasantly when someone is so kind and helpful. Anyway, she explained how the process worked and that I could come pick up a ticket anytime. Great, but I don't really want to drive 20+ minutes each way just to pick up a ticket....hmmm, then she goes on to explain that if I have a Give Back card, they donate money to a charity, give me a gift certificate for $25. for their bistro and VIP passes to get in the front of the line to meet Ree. Wow, okay, let's do that, but then I still have to get the tickets....She tells me they can put the tickets in an envelope and I can pick them up when I arrive on the day!!!! Hot Dog! So that's what I did.

We get the ticket, VIP Group 1!!! In the background, the announcer explains that VIP Group 1 should line up now...OOoooo, that's us! We move to the stairs and find out it's time...NOW...not a few hours from now, not even an hour to sit and chat with my fellow stalkers, NOW. 

Up the stairs we go, and a very nice group of gals in front of us offer to trade taking photos. YES, now hubby can be in the photos too. We never get to do that, one of us is always behind the camera.
 See the people behind us on the floor of the bookstore?? Haha, they're down there and we're NOT! That was mean, I'm sorry....

Maybe you can see them all now...There are more on the other side of the stairs, see....
So, now just a few feet away. I'm excited! I mean, really, I am...

Ok, I do not know when this started, but this smiling with one side of my mouth facing down is not cool! I know hubby has called me Lucy (as in Lucille Ball) our entire marriage because of my antics and strange faces, but I do NOT like the looks of that. I will have to start practicing a different smile....yes, I AM that strange. For now, we have to focus...Ree is just FEET away...See the sliver of a green sign behind the lady with the HUGE red bag? That is where she's sitting...PW...The Pioneer Woman. (It's funny to think how enamored I am with her...must be the Lucille Ball in both of us)

There she is!!! Ree Drummond. I love her smile. She's so geniune. Don't worry, that's not the last photo I got of her.

Are you beginning to understand why Buck calls me a stalker now? LOL I just wanted to make sure I got a good shot. Now I see I need to work on my editing and composition. That lovely top is black, not brown or green like they seem to be here.
Here is a shot of her and a group of 'stalkers'.
 I'm next in line!!! That's my book on the table!

Here I am laughing at something funny she said. For the life of me, I can't remember now what it was. Why does my brain fog out in moments like this? It would be so nice to remember.
Ugh, why do I look so horrible and she is so dang cute!? Look, she's writing in my book...
I told her what hubby said about being a stalker, and she said, 'No you're not, we're buddies!'
Ha! Buck, take that! I am buddies with Ree. Mthea(that's me sticking out my tongue)
Look, she wished me a happy birthday! WOOT!

Then, it was over! That didn't take enough time. I didn't get to tell her about the goats, or any of the other funny things I had worked out in my head to say to her. Sheesh. What a dork. Well, anyway, we went downstairs to the bistro and enjoyed this lovely appetizer.
Brie with walnut and caramel sauce. 
It was delicious. Unfortunately, their dishwasher and bus boy decided to play hookie, so we didn't eat our meal. They were so packed, we decided to leave. 
And that's it...The End.

Ooo, wait. She was on WFAE 90.7 this morning. Here's the link:  Ree on WFAE

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog post Jeni. You wrote it well, and kept me interested until the end. I go to Joseph and Beth's quite often and the food and service is usually great however they looked crazy busy! I didn't know PW was so popular, I mean I kinda knew..
    Thanks for sharing this post with me
    Lori Jill
